Friday, 20 March 2009

This team just keeps agrowin'

Name: Will Jones

Hometown: West Kirby

Course: Public Relations

Hi, I’m Will Jones and I’m a first year student at Leeds Metropolitan University studying Public Relations. I’m really glad to be part of this blog, not only has it helped with my portfolio but it’s given me different areas of PR to pursue. I’m hoping that more and more students get involved. This is a good opportunity for everyone studying PR to get useful information on current events and also to discuss what they’ve achieved or learnt in the trade. Anyway, below is my profile for Leeds Met SU. Enjoy!

Question one: Who is your role model?

I’ve taken some time thinking about this question, it’s a hard one…I wasn’t slacking Adam, just pondering. To be honest there aren’t many successful people out there that I’d be proud to call a role model. If I ever came up with someone I’d probably be lying! So I’ve decided to keep this answer in the family, my role model would have to be my Dad. He’s a short balding man in his late 40’s to early 50’s, there is absolutely nothing special about him but he’s taught me a lot and I don’t really know where I’d be without him today. If I had even half of his wisdom I’d be happy. From the age of thirteen I’ve always had a job. He told me from a young age to rely on yourself and always try to earn your own way. Work hard and you’ll reap the benefits. My Dad’s a tireless a worker and rarely does he moan. He’ll think things through calmly and he’s almost always irritatingly right. Obviously I haven’t always lived up to what he’s said or done! But I know never to take anything for granted. The best advice I’ve ever had has been from my “old man”.

Question 2: Why Leeds and Why PR?

Originally I wanted to go to Newcastle to study Media, but after performing badly in my A levels I was rejected. Hopefully I won’t say this a lot but I’m very glad I failed! Leeds is a quality city, vibrant, exciting, unique..the list goes one! After getting into Leeds Met I began a degree in Media, it was interesting enough but I didn’t feel I could do anything with it when I eventually graduated. I dropped out of that course and then found myself doing PR. My best friend’s Dad is in PR so I’ve always known there’s a good living to make from it. After some thorough in depth reading of courses I decided that PR sounded like the most interesting and different. It’s a job filled with creativity and opportunities to see the world. The importance of PR in any organisation is crucial. It’s definitely underestimated by prospective students. Question three:

Question 3: What would your ideal profession apart from Public Relations be?

Being a full time well paid athlete wouldn’t be bad! Boxing, football, rugby; these are three sports that I’d love to be able to play professionally. But after coming to Leeds Met and witnessing the serious potential some sports members have I decided the couch is my best option. Question four: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?In five years from now I will have a degree in Public Relations and I’d be finished travelling the world. The money situation will be awful at this point but I’ll be probably very happy, full to the brim with life experience! Ideally I’d have found a country that I’d love to earn a living in. Hopefully one day I’ll be in that country working in PR either in house or as part of a consultancy. But as we all know from studying planning in lectures and seminars things don’t always go the way you want!

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